Train-the-Trainers Workshop
Jockey Club “In Search of Voice in a Cramped City”
Dance Education Programme (Chapter 5)
The Train-the-Trainers Workshop comprises of four 3-hour sessions and will be conducted in 2 days with 2 sessions per day. Each session will be led by a choreographer and an artist of other discipline (Drama / Music / Text-image / Visual Arts).
The Workshop aims to provide a platform for teachers in all kinds of arts disciplines and arts practitioners to exchange ideas and share teaching experiences.
Artists who work at secondary schools can register for Chapter 3 of the Programme – Introductory Contemporary Dance Workshop - Outreach Tour to Secondary School.
Participants who have completed the "Train-the-Trainers Workshop" may be invited to join the recruitment of instructors for Outreach Tour to University & Community and to Secondary School.

2020-2021 Workshop -
Enrolment is now underway!
As we received an overwhelming number of applications, we have opened another class for participants.
Participants: Teachers in all kinds of arts disciplines, Arts Practitioners
Date & Time: (Conducted in 2 days, 2 sessions/ day, 4 sessions in total)
@ Wanchai Studio [Quota is full]
2021 | Feb 24 (Wed)
10:30 - 13:30 ;15:00 - 18:00
2021 | Feb 26 (Fri)
10:30 - 13:30 ;15:00 - 18:00
Venue: Passoverdance Studio @ Rm 1604, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Road, Hong Kong)
@ Lai Chi Kok Studio
2021 | Feb 23 (Tue)
10:30 – 12:30 ;13:30 – 15:30
2021 | Feb 25 (Thu)
10:30 – 12:30 ;13:30 – 16:30
Venue: Passoverdance Studio @ 12/F, The Globe, 79 Wing Hong Street, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon
Choreographers | Gabbie Chan, Elaine Kwok, Cherry Leung, Cally Yip
Drama|Donut Cheung
Visual Arts|Nina Chiu
Music|Priscila Chu
*Passoverdance reserves the right to change the instructors in hosting the Workshops.
Free of charge, limited quota, first come first served

For enquiries, please contact Joyce and Christy on 5407 6047 or