Introductory Contemporary Dance Workshop
Outreach Tour to University and Community
The Introductory Contemporary Dance Workshop takes place through the outreach tour to local universities and community. The workshop is led by a choreographer and an artist in other art discipline (drama, music, text-image or visual arts).
To arouse the interest of tertiary students to experience dance/ body creativity across various arts modalities.
To express themselves and exchange ideas with choreographer, artist and peers through creative process in which they can also develop their communication skills.
The Workshop comprises of three sessions, 3-hour/ session, 9 hours in total.
Participants: Tertiary students or youth aged around 18-30 who are interested in dance and arts
Fee: Free of Charge, limited quota
Photo credit by Hardy Cheung

Jockey Club "In Search of Voice in a Cramped City"
Dance Education Programme
Tour To Community (Online)
【Class A: Dance x Music 】
Date:2022|Mar 23, 25 & 30 (3 sessions)
Time:7 - 10 pm( 3 hours per session)
Format:Online via Zoom
【Class B:Dance x Drama 】
Date:2022| Apr 2, 9 & 16 (3 sessions)
Time:11 am - 2 pm(3 hours per session)
Format: Online via Zoom
Arrangements regarding COVID-19 Outbreak
Depending on the COVID-19 outbreak situation, we shall provide participants with either Face-to-face or Online workshops. If the situation allows, we incline to adopt Face-to-face format. Small group learning approach will be adopted to the online workshop.
We shall keep track of the Coronavirus outbreak and take corresponding actions.
Should there be any updates on the arrangements, we will be announce via email and participants that have registered are advised to check email regularly.
Conducted in Cantonese, supplemented with English.
Passoverdance reserves the right to change the instructors in hosting the Workshops.
For enquiries, please contact Joyce and Christy on 5407 6047 or
University Partners

Venue Sponsor

Universities: Hong Kong Baptist University | Lingnan University | The Chinese University of Hong Kong | Hang Seng University of Hong Kong | The Hong Kong University of Scienece and Technology | The University of Hong Kong
Community: Ko Shan Theatre | Passoverdance | Tsuen Wan Youth S.P.O.T. | Youth Square | HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity | EFCC Yan Fook Church